Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lyssa-tional Poetry Month

This is overdue in two ways.
First, April was National Poetry Month, and I told myself I was definitely going to do something exciting for that. But, since I didn't actually know which month was National Poetry Month until May, I did not, in fact, do anything remotely exciting. Also, I was challenged way back in February to write a poem every day for a month and see if it didn't make me a better writer. So I will. And because I am a glutton for embarrassment and because I literally only have two readers, I will post them here on the internet. You two will be the grateful recipients of exactly one poem a day, every day, starting today, for a month. They will be up by midnight. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
That being said, you are in for some craptacular poems. My goal is for you to enjoy at least one of them.

On Heroes

There are certain people I've always wanted to meet
someday, just so I could bow to them
(or shake hands or something, as I guess bowing
would probably make most of them uncomfortable)
because they were such heroes,
and I could never imagine being that kind of heroic,
or even, really
any kind at all.
But that's okay, I think,
because I'm more of a continuer anyway
and heroes tend to live short lives
(short amazing beautiful lives)
and on the day after the heroes,
the world would be a pretty sad place if
there was no one left who wanted,
in some deep but sizable portion of her soul,
to in her actions bow to them.

Well, not too bad considering I forgot my self-imposed deadline until an hour before it hit. However, this is a prime example of how I am physically incapable of deciding whether I want to be serious or not. Expect this indecision to plague you for the rest of the month.
*Side note: this occasionally happens to me with respect to fictional characters as well. It is a source of deep and everlasting frustration. Sigh.

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