Monday, April 23, 2012

Summer Reading List

Whoops, sorry about the gap, finals got a bit ahead of me.
But now that they're over, here is what I plan to read over the summer:

The Wheel of Time series, by Robert Jordan

Uh, yep, that's it. Probably also some of the ones I missed from last summer, but that's it, because have you seen that series? It's HUGE. Also because I will have a job (for REAL this time) and also an obsession, and those are going to take up quite a bit of time. Speaking of obsession, status: last week I was thinking about it, absent-mindedly, and got called out for staring into space with a big stupid grin. Oops.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Qualities of a Totally Awesome Fictional Character


Hi. I am still working on that poem/thing, but it really is very difficult, so in the meantime here's a list of qualities that make a fictional character awesome (I guess they could work on real people too, but that seems unlikely). It was kind of fun to think about why I love something, instead of just that I do. Obviously not all my favorite characters have all the qualities, most just have two or three. I'm pretty sure there's only one character ever with all of them. And, of course, it is not the qualities in isolation that create awesome, but the combinations. The list is arranged approximately in order of most influential to my approval.

Has a saving-people thing
dazzlingly brilliant and/or possessed of vast stores of knowledge
extremely moral
brave to the point of idiocy
bad-boy vibe (or -girl, I suppose)
     -thieves and assassins are extra attractive, for some reason, especially if they feel guilty about it
wise and mysterious, perhaps a bit fey
curious intellectual with a sense of wonder
surety of purpose
crazy and funny, ridiculous
doesn't necessarily break the fourth wall, but does tap on it occasionally
quirky/awkward/bumbling (and rocks it)
strong protective/nurturing qualities
a great leader
being archetypal and maybe a tiny bit symbolic helps too.
      … or a lot bit. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good symbol.

Obsession status: you could also call this list "reasons why I am obsessed."