Friday, July 15, 2011


       Fantastic, in every sense. That is the only word adequate to describe the movie I will be (sort of) reviewing today. Or rather, it describes my experience of it. Since I am really unable to look at this particular movie critically and rationally, this post is more rant than review. And it discusses everything I have ever wanted to talk about that is remotely related to its main subject. It's like catharsis in blog form. Enjoy.

       Yes, I went to see the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 premier, and yes I dressed up. Yes, I am slightly obsessed, yes, I enjoy it. There was so much excitement surrounding the event, with it being the last, and being able to share it with friends, that my emotions were already raging before I even stepped in the theater. I know this strongly affected my opinions on the movie, but I think even if I were to watch it again, alone, in my own house, I would still consider it a truly excellent movie. Then again, maybe not. All the same, should you go see it? YES.

       Part of what makes me so unsure of my own opinion is the fact that I have disliked all of the other Harry Potter movies, with the exception of 7 part 1, which was quite good although lacking the power of part 2. I have believed it a fact that it is impossible to transport Rowling's singular style, in which the beauty is in the details, to film, a medium that by necessity must neglect details. Actually, I still believe that, but it seems to me that the goal of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (henceforth referred to as HP7P2) was different from that of the other movies: to supplement rather than to replace the books. Perhaps it seems that way because all the excitement and suspense of the film (and there was an incredible amount of that - most of the time I was literally trembling with excitement) came from the fact that the audience already knew exactly what was going to happen; we expected everything but it was also like experiencing it for the first time. So it took all of the tremendous emotional power that film is capable of, and channeled it in the right direction. All of the HP movies have been steadily increasing in quality (and that power), but until now I believe it was wrongly directed. I am not sure what changed, exactly (as I said, it might have been only my frame of mind), but whatever it was, I came out at the end feeling like I had viewed a masterpiece.

       There were, of course, things I didn't like about HP7P2, mostly: the last spell between Harry and Voldemort, during which the sun most conspicuously did not rise; all the weird Voldemort hugs; and that moment when Harry was standing in King's Cross, all by himself, looking deserted, after the critical line had been said. Sigh. But, as we all know, there has never yet been a perfect movie.

       Now, there is something I must address, because HP7P2 also  marks the culmination of something that had been coming for years: my last finger was pried off my hatred of Snape, although I tried hard to keep my grasp. I'm sure right now you're reacting just like my friends: "What? How could you still hate Snape? He's so awesome, I love Snape, blah blah blah..."
You see, I have hated Snape much, much more than I have ever hated anyone, living or fictional, in my entire life. That kind of thing doesn't just go away. Also, you have to admit, there is something about hatred that makes you want to hold on to it, and since Snape is fictional, I felt free to hate him viciously without consequences. However. There are a few things you cannot do for someone and still continue to hate them, and crying is one of them. So I no longer hate Snape. I still don't like him. But I just can't hate him.

       That's all I have to say for today. But, regardless of how unappealing you find this blog post, or my own experiences and opinions, you really do need to see that movie. I don't think my heartrate will be back to normal for a week.

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