Friday, January 21, 2011

The Mirror People

Greetings, gentle reader. (*happy dance because I finally get to say that*) This week, I am dusting off an old poem I wrote in high school. It's slightly silly and not at all sophisticated, but I do like it. You might like it too.
The initial inspiration came from a phrase in Return of the King, but it actually has very little to do with anything in that excellent book. Instead, it's more of a demonstration of how I love the classical/romantic style but am not yet very good at it.

Silvered-crystal people in a bright and shining sun
Rejoice in clouds of glory
They twirl and dance and run.
Splintered sunbeams shatter as they leap from eye to eye
Pure light sounding one clear note
In a long and liquid cry.
The light reflected from the sun in limbs and faces shone
The people laugh, for it lights up
Small embers of their own.
The beaming sun laughs with them, delighting so to see
His light reflected back in all
Its radiant purity.

Dark with earth, a head looked out upon the glittering ones
What strange, peculiar people, they,
To dance out in the sun.
He peered at them through slitted eyes and, wondering, rubbed his head
This gesture of his puzzlement
Revealing just a shred
Of brightest silver, smoothest glass, now free of earth and grime
Which, as he leaned into the sun,
Began, a bit,
To shine.

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