Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Summer Reading List

       I am terribly sorry about the long time between posts. Finals, you know. But now I am free! Summer lies ahead, during which I can catch up on my reading. So here is a non-comprehensive list of what I intend to read over the summer, in no specific order. If you have any you recommend adding to the list, or if there are any here that you would especially like me to review, please comment!

-The Apocrypha, the Koran, and the Vedas; possibly also the Talmud, the I Ching and the Mahabharata. It's about time I got to know some other religions' scripture.
-L'Morte D'Arthur, by Thomas Malory. I checked this one out but had to return it before I read more than a couple pages. It was very sad.
-The Children of Hurin, by JRR Tolkien. It's been in my house for over a year now and I still haven't read it!! I'm also going to read The Lays of Beleriand, which I have OWNED for almost a year and haven't read. Shocking.
-Hood, Scarlet, and Tuck by Stephen Lawhead. I have an intense Robin Hood obsession and these sound really good.
-Everything by Jane Austen.
-Ivanhoe, by Sir Walter Scott. Also anything else by him that looks good.
-A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. I started it but didn't have time to finish, and apparently it is amazing. More Dickens if I have time.
-The Brothers Karamazov, by Fydor Dostoyevski. I loved Crime and Punishment, and I've heard that this one is even better.
-The Kite Runner and its sequel, by Khaled Hosseini.
-Moby Dick, by Herman Melville.
-An Acceptable Time, by Madeleine L'Engle.  The fifth book in what I thought was the Time Quartet (beginning with A Wrinkle in Time). I started this one weeks ago but was interrupted by an attractive male about ten pages in. Then, when I went back to it, someone had checked it out! The nerve. Also I am going to read everything else by Madeleine L'Engle I can find because I love her with enormous amounts of love.
-The Gemma Doyle Trilogy, by Libba Bray. I dunno. It looks good.
-Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins. I have to keep up my reputation as a connoisseur of teen lit.
-More poetry. I need to find a good anthology or something. I love poetry.
-Saints, by Orson Scott Card.
-Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke.
-The Four Loves and The Pilgrim's Regress, by C.S. Lewis. Something by Lewis I haven't read??? Unbelievable!
-Something famous by Faulkner or Joyce or someone. Because I feel like I should.
-The Hunchback of Notre Dame, by Victor Hugo. Because I like him.
-Various examples of mediocre teen lit and fantasy that my brothers bring home, and which I will enjoy immensely. Scifi paperbacks from my dad's bookshelf. Probably a terrible mystery named after a food or holiday. Newspapers, poetry, internet articles, back copies of National Geographic, the Ensign, and Reader's Digest, blogs, more poetry, graffiti, cereal boxes, and street signs.

       That ought to keep me occupied for a couple months, since I'll have a job and responsibilities and everything, like a real person. And if it doesn't, well, I'll probably be updating it for a few weeks as I remember things I've been meaning to read. If you have a favorite I don't know about, please, let me know! And a very happy summer to you all.

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