Friday, June 10, 2011


If you have read more than one post on this blog, you probably know that I overuse parentheses (and also that I start sentences with conjunctions). So I figured I might as well do something mildly amusing with it. This was fun because I just took the idea and ran with it; after a few parentheses I couldn't even control it any more.

It's all about getting one (well, maybe not just one)
more idea (or it doesn't have to be an idea (such a narrow word),
it could be a contrasting argument (just for kicks! or maybe (if you have an open mind)
you want your audience to consider both sides (and not just agree with you blindly))
or maybe a qualifier (when you aren't sure if you're completely correct
(because it might be embarrassing if someone (maybe someone
you like and respect (and you want him to like and respect you))
reads what you wrote and it's wrong (but there's no parentheses saying you know that it might be):
he might laugh and never take you seriously again (and that would be awful
(because you had something you wanted to discuss with him tomorrow
(maybe an article about neuroscience you read yesterday (you know he's interested in neuroscience))
but now he knows about your mistake he might think you're just posing
(not really knowledgeable, just pretending to be (maybe just to kiss up to him!
(because he is attractive and he knows it. (oh, how you want him
to like and respect you...)))))))))

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