A very happy belated Pi Day to you all! This post exists because I felt bad for not having posted anything in a long while, and I had promised my loyal readers once a week postings. It is not very exciting, so if you like, you can just skip it, but know that I have not forgotten you.
The reason I have not written anything in a very long while, and probably won't get anything else written for a couple weeks either, is a really dumb research paper. I absolutely hate those. With a fervent, burning passion. Yeah, I know, I'm an English major, I'm supposed to like writing. And I do. I love writing. It's just the research I hate. And coming up with a topic that has enough books written about it, but is original enough to write ten pages on. Blech. But I like the actual writing part. In fact, I love writing so much I'm applying to be a writing fellow, which is another reason I have neglected/am neglecting this sad little blog - the paper and the application happen to be due the same weekend. A writing fellow is like a peer editor, but it sounds much cooler, doesn't it? I'm in a fellowship! I'm a fellow at a college! It makes me feel like C.S. Lewis and Frodo all at once (okay, maybe just Pippin). Anyway, that paragraph has nothing to do with the actual content of this post, it was just explaining why this blog is going to be lame for a while.
The rest is about how much I love blogs, specifically this one! The first reason is that is makes me write. I already mentioned that I felt guilty for not writing anything for it in a while. I promised you weekly posts, I now have a moral obligation to give you weekly posts, and so you are going to get weekly posts (most of the time). That means I am writing a lot more than I would otherwise. I love to write, but for some reason I need a motive to do it. This is odd because I don't need a motive to do other things I enjoy - like read, sleep, and surf the internet. In fact, I usually need an excuse. But the fact remains that this blog helps me do more of what I love.
The second reason is that nobody in the world actually reads it. I'm pretty sure not even my dad does anymore (although I do have an unconfirmed report on my blog stats that someone from Spain looked at it last week). Therefore I can put whatever I want up, even the crappiest poetry and lamest monologues (such as this) without fear of being embarrassed. And the great thing is, even though no one reads it, I still feel a moral obligation to you lovely non-existent readers! It's the best of all possible worlds. (5000 English major points to you if you know what that's from)
The End. Have a marvelous day.
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